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Writing of Woo Myung - Wants


- The Enlightened World – p104

Listen all of you! Truth is animitta, yet Truth is the existence of nimitta within animitta. Truth is absence of all things, yet the existence of all things in the universe is also Truth.

When giving birth to the whole of creation, it is Heaven’s will to do so with harmony. All creations which live therein must realize the obvious logic that they must learn to discard their greed and coexist.

Because one’s individual self exists, others exist. It is Truth that people understand that they are all one. It is Truth that people do deeds absent of the thoughts that they have done them. A life of Truth is a righteous life- one in which man lives absent of any wants in his mind. Reighteousness means for everyone to know that they are one and to act accordingly. It is important for people to know that they are one.

A complete life is one in which man does not live based on greed. A complete life is one simply lived according to the flow of Nature. When man lives his life in non-existence, he will become others, and so naturally, all conflicts would disappears; man would live a life that is of Nature’s flow, and he would be able to live decently.

Man, because he is man, lives a life that is focused on making a living. But originally, man should live a life of oneness, a life in which he as an individual does not exist. For it is only when he lives such a life that it is a true life indeed. A true life is one in which there is no distinction between you and me. A true life is one in which there is no such things as rank. A true life is one in which there is no “dual life”- a life in which man lives connected to the world as it is. For sure, a true life is one in which man lives absent of self, and so even if the winds were to blow or the rain were to fall, he would live accordingly. A true life is one in which there is on ‘me’; there is only ‘us’. A true life is one in which man lives knowing the Whole – knowing Truth.

If man were to have no wants, he would have no illnesses. If man were to have no wants, he would work diligently. If man were to have no wants, he would work for others. If man were to have no wants, he would work for us, the Whole. If man were to have no wants, he would know to make sacrifices. If man were to have no wants, he would work of his own accord. If man were to have no wants, there would be nothing that could discomfort him. If man were to have no wants, he would become one with the world. If man were to have no wants, he would simply live as it is. If man were to have no wants, he would live as Truth. If man were to have no wants, he would live according to Nature’s flow. If man were to have no wants, he would have no pain. If man were to have no wants, he would have no kleshas. If man were to have no wants, he would have no mind. If man were to have no wants, he would have no individual self. If man were to have no wants, he would be one with the world, not separate from it. If man were to have no wants, he would be the Whole. If man were to have no wants, he would be one Mind. If man were to have no wants, he would know the preciousness of self-existance. If man were to have no wants, he would know the value of man. If man were to have no wants, he would not live in his thoughts. If man were to have no wants, he would live absent of his mind. If man were to have no wants, there would be no superior persons of inferior persons. If man were to have no wants, there would be no rank. If man were to have no wants, there would be no such thing as high class or low class. If man were to have no wants, his mind would be unbiased. If man were to have no wants, he would be able to live well. If man were to have no wants, he would be fulfill everything. If man were to have no wants, he would be able to enter into the one Truth. If man were to have no wants, he would be happy and peaceful. If man were to have no wants, he would become me. If man were to have no wants, he would not be above me. If man were to have no wants, he would come out into Truth and live together with me. If man were to have no wants, his mind would be in comfort. If man were to have no wants, he would not be stubborn. If man were to have no wants, he would have no pride or sense of self. If man were to have no wants, he would have no delusions. If man were to have no wants, he would not be conceited. If man were to have no wants, his core would not be his self. If man were to have no wants, he would be able to live in Truth, which is a life at is of Nature’s flow. If man were to have no wants, research would become so easy whereby a science that benefits humankind would develop to the utmost. If man were to have no wants, politics would be righteous, and so everyone would be at ease and would live as one. If man were to have no wants, people’s standards of living would be equal. If man were to have no wants, culture would flourish to the utmost. If man were to have no wants, he would have no pride, and so there would be no conflicts. If man were to have no wants, homes, societies, and nations would be endlessly peaceful. If man were to have no wants, he would be loyal to what he does of his own accord. If man were to have no wants, he would live serving others. Therefore, people would be able to live with their minds at ease; there would be no thieves or robbers; not one person would harbor a malevolent mind; there would not be a single person who torments others; people would aa be one no matter where they go, and so the world would be wonderful place to live. Man’s wants have made the world what it is today. He thinks that so many different things exist in the world, which is why homes, societies, and countries have become selfish – ones in which he seeks to live well alone. Therefore, man is in a constant state of unhappiness and darkness.

A mind absent of wants is the true Mind. A mind absent of wants is the real Truth. A mind absent of wants is one which knows that Heaven, earth, and man are one. A mind absent of wants is one which knows where man came from and where man will go. A mind absent of wants is one which will live forever in Heaven after death.

Heaven must be one, earth must be one, and man must be one in order for the world to be right. Heaven, earth, and man must be one in order for the world to be right. Man must have no wants, in order for the world to be right, Furthermore, man’s absence of wants is the only road to his eternal life.

So long as man has wants, religions, ideologies, and philosophies cannot be right; neither can politics nor societies. Through the saints, Heaven has convoyed its will to man that he must not harbor wants. However, this will could not see the light of day, for man was not able to eliminate the cause of his wants; For the saints were unable to teach man how to completely discard the mind he has; For the saints did not know how to discard it, and so man was unable to do so.

Heaven has its season, And now is the time in which the perfect and infinite ‘DO (Truth)’ has come to the world. May you and I live together in the true world; Let us enjoy eternal life, blessings, and happiness.

– Woo Myung –

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